Oh, Finially got my Eclat Complex pc Seat.. Sooo good.
I know a few people here ride.
Oh, Finially got my Eclat Complex pc Seat.. Sooo good.
how long have u been waiting for that seat now marv?
worth the purchase?
i went for a ride today.
After about 20mins i was absolutely drenched in sweat. Its too damn hot and humid.
went for a roll today while "working"...got pretty boring pretty quickly...need more peeps rolling out
For sure.
Waited a few months. Haha. It took a while for them to release it from when they showed it on their website. Ordered it the day dans got it and got it in under a week.
I reckon.
i ride a shit old bike lol
all my friends are too pussy to start riding dirt with me again
Im really regreting selling my bmx right now as im having urges to ride street ,I have a Mountain Bi-Cycle for down hill sessions yooow, aint the same :-(
Want to buy my sunday wave? I have too many BMX's.
I really should start riding again but I have a habbit of breaking elbows. Maybe I should just stick to dirt concidering I cant ride street anyway.
Mavis, whats so special about this seat?
I went out of my way to use an I-beam design seat made by SDG so I could put the seat far back seeing layback seat posts dont exist anymore (I am like old and shit)
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