I recently bought a whole flat front end off SamQ, but thinking of just rockin' the slanty look so im selling it. This is the full kit.
Parts included are as follows.
-RHS and LHS front guards
-Scuttle panel (between windscreen and bonnet)
-Head Lights
-Grille and Badge
-Stone Tray
-Radiator Support panel
All panels are in good condition have some scratches and only some rust on the stone tray/beaver panel besides that colour of them are silver.
If anyone really needs a photo ill get some snaps tomorrow.
Price: $250 <<This is exactly what I paid Sam-Q for it so Im not here trying to make a quick buck price is FIRM!. and not parting anything out.
Contact me via Pm or 0412038312
Last edited by Shitbox; 7th September 2012 at 01:15 AM.
83' KE70 4AGE'D
84' AE71 4AG Twin 45 DCOE webers