Would u ship the lip?
86 Radiator with Thermo setup. Working rad in G/C $50
86 Dash, badly cracked. Good to send to the trimmers or take the foam off and run a bare dash. $20
4AC, 220k's. Ran well, upgraded to 4age. With 4A engine mounts. $50
4A Crossmember, needed if going 4age into KE70. $100
Will have a look around see what else i can put up, collection certainly isn't what it used to be.
Last edited by shift_rook; 21st September 2012 at 05:29 PM.
Would u ship the lip?
You have pm.
Could u send me a pic of lip?? Number is 0412462116
Already sold, sorry mate. Most stuff already paid for.
Cut my grass much lol!
Wasn't willing to ship anyway Rich, really needed to see how it fitted as it did need a reasonable amount of modification to fit, was only comfortable selling to local buyers.