Mainly looking for trading my pair for some other wheels roughly inbetween 15x8-9 -5 to -10ish range
Would really love some hoshino impul g5's
wheels are in pretty good condition no buckles could do with a polish
these have not been flipped, legit sized
Price is $800 not looking to really sell
located in Adelaide
pm me or
Last edited by sleeper_13; 22nd November 2012 at 09:33 PM.
These will now be $700 looking to sell now not swap
Dam I want these, too bad your not in vic for a test fit coz I have my doubts on fitment.
Yeah will need a decent flare of the guards to fit
Well I have a dato 1200 ute atm as a run around which I know I can fit 15x9 +-0 so this should fit... but either way I think Im pushing it.
Yeah is a bit of a risk, how much clearance is between the tyre and guard with the +/-0 offset
It sits hella flush with the guards with the right tire so I think I can pull these off. How many mm of dish do these puppies have?
Yeah you can always run more camber to tuck them under. Il give it a measure tomorrow pm me your number and il send you pics of the measurement
Sweet mate, pm sent.