Need this shit gone
Hey guys have some bills to pay need this stuff gone
Bride SOLD
-Velo 2 inch harness also in good condition $100
-Kouki axles - sold
-2 way SOLD
-Spal thermo fan, almost new, small scratch on motor housing, best fan money can buy for the size, will shit on your davies craig etc $150
All items can be posted no worries
CONTACT ME ON 0488277942 or pm if you have to
Last edited by skin; 26th November 2012 at 08:05 PM.
Need this shit gone
how big is the steering wheel ??
keen on lsd, trade for services?
check out my build thread:
services? of what kind lol
ill measure steeering wheel for you
razorback is sold
Lots of interest in kouki axles, seat and diff centre no money in bank yet
sorry should have said im a trimmer, just noticed too the lsd is for kouki, i need a zenki.
PM , i know he'll buy your diff
check out my build thread:
size of spal thermo ? got proof like receipt or anything that its genuine ?
It' 15 inch from memory ill double check it. No receipt sorry, bought it new myself from an air conditioning company in launceston it cost me good $$
I bought if for a 1jz. Them things run hot I wanted a good fan not some fake pos
I sent you a message about the diff, having issues with my phone just checking you got it?