the head lining should have bows to fit it into your roof, also you'll have to remove the front and rear windscreen to fit it correctly. you'll need some contact adhesive too, not a fun job but can be a DIY thing
Hey looking for a headliner for my ke70. Not sure how they fit in coz my car never had one! Can pick up in sydney area.
the head lining should have bows to fit it into your roof, also you'll have to remove the front and rear windscreen to fit it correctly. you'll need some contact adhesive too, not a fun job but can be a DIY thing
check out my build thread:
Is it like a full moulded thing is does it clip in with about 3 or 4 steel rods that clip up across the roof? If so I think I got the rods..
Its steel rods and loose, loop backed fabric.
Its not like a modern car where you cover the backing and fit it as one piece. Its hard.
You will probably need an upholsterer to make one if you only have the rods.