Should get one of the mods to change the tittle as you will deter buyers with the Firm price
Okay, this is back up again.
Sorry to the people who contacted me last time I decided I would test the waters, however I've been so busy with uni/work/other stuff that I haven't had time to really even reply to any of my PM's or emails.
Price: $8000 ono
Don't bother coming and having a look / sending enquiries if you don't have the money. Get the money, then we'll talk... I'm sorry, but I don't have the time to be doing PR now-a-days.
Car is priced below the average price of hachi's on this website and carsales.
Location: 15mins out from Parramatta
Contact: AE86DC PM will do.
Rough mods:
Car has proven it's worth so far, definitely something you want to be cruising up/down the nasho/springwood/old pac/etc.
Serviced regularly, cleaned when I have the time, doesn't reak of smoke, runs pretty damn well... even from cold start.
Tyres and body are average. Depending how funds go, I might be buying a new set of tyres soon but there's no point fixing what isn't broke atm (i'm a little poor since spending $3k on this ECU).
If you're serious about purchase, PM me. If you have any questions that you feel could help others, please post them in the thread.
Edit: I was going to say price is firm to stop the low-ballers, but I'll say neg and just refuse to talk to lowballers.... easy.
Should get one of the mods to change the tittle as you will deter buyers with the Firm price
Just another Muppet
the firm price??? what about the shitty body lol....
best of luck to seller, but....
RIP Carly - a smile to light the world.
Yeah bodies rough, but it's good where it counts ;D
You're just upset that I know where to post classifieds on this website.
Maybe if I post it in AE86 news, it might get more attention?
are you still firm with the price ? haha
Just sold it
for you got more than 3k you robbed some poor c..t