Any information on the where abouts of my ADM 86 front bar and Keys would be grately appreciated... Or even better, the return of my items would be much more useful, seeing as it is just another set back for me to get my car on the road, i don't have great deal of money to purchase another one let alone pay for my ignition and doors to be re-barrelled...

These items were taken from Invermay Rd, someone has jumped the fence where my car is stored and retrieved the front bar and removed the keys from my non-running car... Anyway I'm i little pissy about it, so if this message gets the filth that clearly wanted these items more than i did, would you kindly return them before somebody lets me know exactly who did it...

I really doubt this will achieve much, but its worth a try, i mean what other use is there for an 86 bar other than what it was intended for... So there is a slight chance this will work with peoples co-operation...

PM if you have any information please.

Cheers, Alex.