Just to clarify, can you confirm that AE86 and KE70 racks are the same size at the rack bush? Only the rack bush and clamp are different in size.
hey all
just thought id put up a finding for some of you doing SR conversions into ur ke70 (maybe ae86 too)
upon installing my sr today i noticed the sump was fouling on the drivers side steering rack mount. i knew it didnt touch in the other car but i had changed to an ae86 steering rack and polyurethane mounts. my first thought was that the 86 rack was larger around the clamp area but after pulling it out it was the same.
what i did find was that the ke70 uses a thinner rack bush and smaller clamp letting the clamp sit lower against the rack.
like this
ke top, ae86 bottom
so after changing to the ke rack bush and clamp it went back in although it did still need a lil clearancing (read: grinding). has a good 10-15mm clearnace now
i thought this may help a few of you who might have trouble getting urs to fit.
Just to clarify, can you confirm that AE86 and KE70 racks are the same size at the rack bush? Only the rack bush and clamp are different in size.
yes i can confirm. i had them side by side today. i will double check tomoz with a tape just to be sure cause it was by eye today. i have another ke rack sitting here somewhere too
the ke rack bush was definitely thinner but ( bout half the thickness) the passenger side bushes are the same on both