put a pair of wheels on the front, lowered it and did guards, got another pair for the rear but they don't fit at all yet so need a bigger hammer
took it drifting, derped it a little bit. need new tail lights. nobody took photos because I don't make any hektik smoke
powerhouse stock 20v. goes real good. trumpet fell off mid skid somehow
has heaps of good stuff like w box and t series and drives heaps sick already so only needs a couple things like lock spacers and maybe different final drive and should be perfect
not sure what i'm doing with it, I bought it mainly to reshell into my 86 but now I might just leave it until I crash it real bad then reshell so we'll see.
local wreckers has a few rolla's I think so should be right pecky, cheers
yeah the 20v is rad, first few minutes driving it I was a little disappointed but then took it over 4k and its so sick haha.
oh you don't like stickers henry? i'm going to stickerbomb the whole car, that's heaps drift isn't it? haha nah next time i'm home i'm hoping to beat some of the dents out, finish the guards and give it a quick respray to clean it up a bit. and add my madhouse lip for the bitches