Are you building the car and doing the work yourself? or will you be buying an already modded one?
Hello. my first post here, nice to see that there are many ae86 enthusiasts around.
i wondered if it is better to use turbo or supercharger, considering that the car will be used mainly on road, not on track. didn't have any racing in mind, but as a second car for fun. and above that, can you recommend some manufacturers? i already looked at garrett (my dad used their turbo on our landcruiser series 80, 1fz-fe engine), but didn't find anything.
so, any help would be appreciated. thanks
Last edited by fran1001; 8th January 2009 at 04:54 AM.
Are you building the car and doing the work yourself? or will you be buying an already modded one?
at first calculating all the prices, but building the car myself.
if it is specifically for street, go supercharger, not as much potential as turbo but if its for street, it will definitely be powerful enough. Also, supercharger will give more low down torque than the turbo, which will help at traffic lights etc...
Thanks a lot for the advice. Sorry to bother you, but can you give me some manufacturers, because I want to know if they ship to Europe. Thanks again.
if i was you, always cheaper buying second hand. Look on the forums. the possibility of people being willing to send to Europe isn't particularly high, you may have to offer more money but can still work out to be cheaper than buying straight from manufacturers...
If you're set on buying from a manfucaturer, look at some of the Irish forums as there are many ae86s over there, and would be cheaper/ higher possibility for shipping to Europe.
thanks a lot.
Really helped me.
it would be easier to go 4agze its already super charged. Iv got one and love it easily enough torque for a 86
as there is already a supercharged engine that fits the ae86 (4agze) prolly your best bet is to import one of those if you can as they already have a forged bottom end (pistons and stuff).
If you cannot get one, you could get just the supercharger from the 4agze the s12 and bolt that up, however you wouldn't want to run too much boost without doing bottom end work.
i see. thanks for the info. how much psi does the boost have and how much power is it? 103 kw?