View Full Version : Clutch disengagement problem.

29th November 2006, 07:29 PM
Okay, I'm having some kind of weird problem with my car.

I replaced my warn tied second hand freebie clutch that I got (that did okay for a while, thanks dan) and then died, the throwout bearing died too.

So a long story short I put in an exedy racing japan clutch.

The car was driving beautifully, I went for a mountain run, it was ace.

Now today, on to get an exhaust gasket after dropping off some spring compressors, I notice it's a bit hard to get into 3rd. I've REALLY got to make sure the clutch is absolutely to the floor, or it'll crunch, eww.

by the time i get to the auto shop, and pickup my gasket, and get out my car wont go into reverse at all...... ..... .... quite annoying.

plz throw ideas..

also does the ae86 clutch pedal have adjustment?

runnin TYK-6279SC i think


29th November 2006, 09:49 PM
Get someone to step on the clutch while you are under the car and watch the slave cylinder moving the clutch fork. If the rod on the slave isn't moving, you'll have to replace either the slave or master cylinder(or check that the clutch fluid resevoir is full).

If it's not that, you'll have to pull the box off to diagnose and fix.

29th November 2006, 09:50 PM
yeah it's moving.. but .. i was thinking what if it's not moving far enough?

I really don't want to take the gearbox off again.. ... ... http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/sad.gif

i was thinking maybe the throwout bearing had come loose (rthy's idea)

29th November 2006, 09:52 PM
My mate's car threw a spring off the clutch disk and got caught somewhere not allowing the pressure plate to disengage which I doubt happened to your clutch. Could be a collapsed pressure plate.

29th November 2006, 11:33 PM
I doubt a brand new exedy racing clutch would collapse on day 1..

atleast it better not

what im starting to think is i put the clips back in a fair bit of a hurry

there was about .5-1 cm of play on the clutch fork..

so, im guessing it's that.


30th November 2006, 12:32 AM
have a look at the clutch slave see if it moves as far as it can(bleed it and see if its better). also maybe take the rod that pushs on the clutch for out.....my clutch was doin the same thing when i installed a new clutch and it was this rod that bent which meant the clutch slave pushed all the was out but the rod wasnt travellinf as far. you can adjust the throw usuall with the screw that the fork pivots on.

good luck

30th November 2006, 01:48 AM
oh man


yeah im pretty sure it's just the damn slave or master or something like that.

i just pulled the gearbox off then put it back on after having a look at everything, on my own, at night, with a staffie cross sniffing me.

woo woo

but damn, broke till friday!! argh. i'll see if i can scab some from parents for a clutch slave or something. sigh.

30th November 2006, 01:53 AM
I would be much less sooky about it if i was

1. smart
2. had a torch other than my mobile phone light (hugs 6280, is there NOTHING it can't do?)

4th December 2006, 08:40 PM
still no good

have fucked around with the clutch slave/master (got new ones) playing with the clutch pedal adjustment seemed to work for a bit (can't find a proper explanation of how it works like in the AE86 book)

i pulled the gearbox off on advice from here last time, and nothing seemed to be a miss.

anyone got any ideas i could try before i take a sledge to the sprinter?

Thanks, Grant.

4th December 2006, 09:14 PM
You did take the pressure plate off as well didn't you?

I just pulled the pressure plate off mine and a chunk of metal fell out of it and everything looked and sounded fine.

4th December 2006, 09:36 PM
no not last time when i pulled the box off, i checked it out, it all seemed fine, it even drove fine after that.

5th December 2006, 08:00 AM
i would check that you haven't bent your clutch fork! Especially if you have fitted a new heavier clutch!

Hen is a total nutcase
5th December 2006, 11:53 AM
To check that the hydraulics are working properly, you can try manually operating the clutch fork by pushing on it (HARD) with a broom handle or levering it with a big screw driver/crowbar.

However this is only safely done while the car isn't running. Try pushing the clutch pedal to the floor, then seeing if you can get any more movement by manually pushing the fork from there. It will most likely be bloody hard to. If not then something is amiss.

My guess would be hydraulic, not clutch problem. Check for fluid leaking from anywhere, fluid levels, bleed system and see if it improves. Failing that drink beer until the problem goes away.


5th December 2006, 01:14 PM
sounds much like a probelm i am experiening atm, was simmerlera to you, just been for a litle spirited driving, on the way back clutch started to gradually get worse and worse. with only a tiny bit of clutch right almost on the floor. is that what yours is like? mine is a stock clutch and im fairly sure it has been thrashed by the previous owners..

Hen is a total nutcase
5th December 2006, 02:06 PM
Incidentally, Jez had a similar problem in his old Stanza rally beast. He'd adjust and bleed the clutch and it'd work fine, then gradually get worse over the course of a day's hard driving. Eventually you had to clutchless shift all the way home (from Morwell in one case). Turned out to be a fuckup in the master/slave setup.

Again, I tip hydraulics.


5th December 2006, 02:22 PM
Yeah I guess I'll get a mate over to help me bleed system later.

I replaced both clutch slave and clutch master.. checked the line, all seems good.

Can't seem to get the pedal to get that really hard feel though.

When I first put it in, the pedal felt like I was leg pressing 400 lbs. (which is GREAT http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/smile.gif)

so maybe something is not quite going right, like, it's not quite going 100% straight into the clutch fork, so it's not pressing far enough, i dunno, maybe there's still air in the system.

but i think i'll just take hens advice, and drink beer.

5th December 2006, 03:22 PM
yea my twinky is crunching now
im thinking i might have to adjust the clutch pedal

maybe ur pressure plate has turned poo?

5th December 2006, 05:36 PM
i tried before a old motorcycle trick

on bikes the plates can fuse together, so you need some crazy, and you start it in gear, and ride, and it unfuses them.

it didnt work on the car.

drives fine if you rev match (start it in 1st, then revmatch heh) but no reverse and it's not really safe heh.

so yeh im pretty sure it's a problem of hydralixxx.. just can't figure out why i can't get it to go right! grr.

p.s. changing the clutch master is a bitch http://www.ae86drivingclub.com.au/forums/emoticons/tongue.gif

5th December 2006, 07:17 PM
okay, i pulled the clutch slave off and got my bro to push the pedal, and it goes out maybe another centimeter further than when it's on the car, so i took hens advice and after drinking some beer tried to press it with a breaker bar... couldn' get it to move far.. it gets reallll hard.

so maybe something has gone wrong along the spline or something, i dont know.

i guess i'll pull the box off and have a look.

5th December 2006, 08:18 PM
okay i've pulled the box off (im getting pretty good at it) the thrust bearing seemed to have gone past the shaft and gotten a bit stuck.. sliding it back and forth it seems to want to do it again too..

so anyone got any ideas on that?

one of the clips seemed to be coming loose a bit too, wtf. played with it, no good.

Anyways, i'll get back to it soon.


5th December 2006, 08:50 PM
okay checked the clutch all bolts have been tightened up! some were a tad loose (seems like i only tightened up 3 like torqueing them properly! eep, was in a rush for the twisty run!)

that's fixed now, but still not 100% sure what to do about the throw out bearing, hm.

8th December 2006, 05:47 PM
did you grease the Gbox input spline?

10th December 2006, 02:17 AM
Did you check the pilot bearing in the end of the crankshaft, if it siezes it will seem like you have no clutch.

11th December 2006, 04:57 AM
yeh i put it all back together, it just seems, if you press it too far the lil guiding metal pins will bend a bit allowing you to push the thrust bearing off the shaft, ah, nevermind.

need to put down the crack pipe and get back to driving, heh.