View Full Version : Brakes/ brake booster rooted????

25th April 2008, 11:54 AM
hi all i recently smashed my ae71 :( anyway i got the chassi pulled out and they replaced the solid brake line to the front left as it was snapped :( any who the smash repairer sent it to a brake place to get the stuff done and when i picked it up yesterday arvo you couldn't brake at all it would go all the way to the floor and you would get hardly any breaking so i headed home looked at the fluid level cause the light was on so i filled it back up and hoped that would fix it but it didn't there is a leak somewhere in the engine bay cause i got up this morning to find all my brake fluid on the ground under the car <_< i have no idea where it is leaking from and it's annoying as hell i hate it when shit doesn't get done properly anyway where should i look for the leak i know it is somewhere near the master cyl but not sure where also how would i go about bleeding them myself??

Jonny Rochester
25th April 2008, 12:01 PM
First problem is the leak. Blead it after that.

Where the master cylinder is bolted to the booster, is it leaking there? If so, the master has to come off and be pulled apart.

25th April 2008, 12:18 PM
yeah it seems like it is leaking from around where it joins there is a little amount of break fluid around the join and some has leaked not sure when though but it has leaked down to the bottom of the master cyl along the outside :( yesterday when i got home and pumped em i got a sound like a spray bottle coming from that area but i couldn't see it guessin that was probly air lol and i could see it misting the brake fluid into the air but couldn't see where it came from.

Jonny Rochester
25th April 2008, 12:22 PM
Replace or rebuild master cylinder.

25th April 2008, 12:32 PM
hmm how would i go about rebuilding it would it be worth the time or would it be faster to just replace it if so what $$ are we talking?

Jonny Rochester
25th April 2008, 06:38 PM
Cheapest for you is to just use another used one that is good, and keep the old one for later.

Or take it apart and buy a seal kit for it. You have to inspect the bore and make sure its ok. I think they are aluminium with a stainless steel liner. Not sure if its a good idea to hone them or not. With the old cast iron ones, people used to home them alot and replace the seals. These days, its more comon just to buy a new unit.