View Full Version : Leaking oil adaptor

25th July 2011, 11:11 AM
Car - AE86

motor - 4agte

problem - Leaking oil adaptor

As title says I have a leaking adaptor in the side of my block to which my oil pressure sensor is attached and from which an oil line is connected to my turbo. Also there is a fitting screwed into that adaptor to be able to connect the oil line to it. Just to be clear it's not an adaptor block onto which the oil filter mounts, it's just a small adaptor in the side of the block in front of where the actual mounting point of the oil filter is.

As often happens the adaptor and fitting are 'sweating/leaking', it's not a lot but enough to get a decent amount of oil on my fingers.

My questions is what would be the best way to seal the thread? First thing I thought about was that white tape you use to seal the connection of water lines etc but would this withstand the heat? Otherwise something like loctite?

Any advice is appreciated!

25th July 2011, 12:06 PM
Maybe some sort of FIPG? Otherwise if it didn't have any type of sealant there might need to get a new one?

25th July 2011, 12:52 PM
Hmm, I think FIPG is more intended to seal as a gasket. What I'm trying to do is sealing thread, dunno if it would be usefull for this as well...

25th July 2011, 01:00 PM
Ah sorry read it the wrong way, you can get thread sealant we have it at work pretty sure its locktight band ill have a look tonight if I remember and see if its ok to use for high temp.

25th July 2011, 06:44 PM
Nevermind, did some research on the loctite site and loctite 542 should work, getting some from conventrys tomorrow.

26th July 2011, 11:15 PM
In addition, when disconnecting the connectors and oil line to the turbo I will get air in the line, is this a problem and if so what should I do to prevent it?

27th July 2011, 03:00 PM
Liquid teflon for pipe threads, instead of tape.

Air in the line shouldn't matter... it'll just get pushed through a few seconds after starting.


5th August 2011, 06:39 PM

It appears that the sandwich/adaptor plate between the engine and the oilfilter is also leaking a bit.
Is there an easiest way to fix this as it will probably be the gasket...?


5th August 2011, 10:05 PM
Remove/disassemble & replace o-ring/gaskets.


6th August 2011, 12:13 AM
Yeah that was what I was thinking as well but I've got no idea what brand the adaptor plate is so also no idea how the O-ring/gasket looks and where to get it...

6th August 2011, 04:23 PM
Take the plate down to malz and find a filter with the same size o-ring and buy it. Then throw the filter away.

Is it a universal adaptor(double o-ring for multifit) or a "small" size one to suit jap cars?

7th August 2011, 12:42 AM
It only has one O-ring so I'm assuming it's the "small" size?
I checked the O-ring from a new oil-filter from repco and it fits quite good on it's I/D although it has about 1-2mm play on it's O/D.
But when the adaptor is tightened the O-ring compresses and I reckon it will fit nicely on it's O/D so I'll try that one and see how it goes!

7th August 2011, 11:39 AM
that adapter for the pressure switch, isnt a brass adapter is it??

7th August 2011, 04:26 PM
The sandwitch plate is aluminium, but the adaptor in front to which pressure sensor and oil line to the turbo are connected looks like a brass one. It looks like this:http://s4.postimage.org/cnljtfvvo/oilsender_TEE.jpg

I'm guessing you're asking this because brass adaptors are more likely to break at the thread?

8th August 2011, 12:38 AM
I removed the adaptor plate and fitted the oil filter straight onto the mount that sits on the side of the engine. See the pic, it's the mount between the engine and the oil filter (note; this is not my engine, pic is just for indication) http://www.kaiowas.co.uk/images/mr2/scoilcoolerpipes/2.jpg

After doing this it was still leaking, so I took a pic from the underside and it looks like the leak is coming from the actual mount.

I found a topic on replacing the O-rings on this mount and thought it might be helpfull to others as well, see;
http://padandwheels.com/mr2/oilfilter/oilfilter.html This is for a MR2 but it looks to be the same situation on my engine (AE101 4agze from 1991) so I'll try this and see how it goes. Can anyone confirm from experience that I can use the parts numbers from that topic?

When trying to remove that mount I had a bit of a set back as one of the nuts was so freaking tight that I rounded it...And guess what, it's the hardest to reach nut as well! Tried to split it with a hammer and screwdriver but isn't really working. Not a lot of room for vicegrips so might try if I can find a small diegrinder and see if I can cut through the nut. Any tips are welcome!

Getting a bit frustrated so had enough for today, I hope I can get it tomorrow otherwise anyone else that is good at removing rounded nuts?