Yo fellas,
Just wanted a quick heads up if it is possible to tune a Apexi power fc that is and original 86 one (not one that has been retuned) to a 20v engine, preferably the ae111.
i would prob say not.
while im not 100% sure i do know that power fc are very picky when it comes to applying them to different makes and models. i do know that rb20 and rb25 power fc are not interchangable even though the only difference is vct on the rb25. you can't even interchange the hand controllers.
so i would say no just on that fact
i got tolds it will on a modified loom. when you pull up my power fc in datalogic it has vvti sections so im guessing i was told right
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i do remeber seeing a few 20v's running them on club 4ag and various other forums...
assumption being that u would have to basically rewire the engine loom pin for pin...
personally wouldnt bother...
go adaptronic...much superior ECU
PFC's have really only got a place with neesans...efforts on other platforms have been pretty ordinary in comparision
so is it possible?
yes. but its hard work, not really economically viable.
go buy one of the many fine australian products (such as an adaptronic as mentioned before) and you will not have an issue tuning your engine.